2025 Donations
January: American Thyroid Association
The American Thyroid Association is dedicated to transforming thyroid care through clinical excellence, education, scientific discovery and advocacy in a collaborative community.
Total donated: TBD
February: Project Night Night
Project Night Night provides free Night Night Packages to homeless children from birth to pre-teen who need our childhood essentials to have a concrete and predictable source of security and increased exposure to high-quality literacy materials during this time of upheaval. Each Night Night Package contains a new security blanket, an age-appropriate children’s book, and a stuffed animal — all nestled inside of a new canvas tote bag.
Total donated: TBA
March: Elevate a Child
In March 2025, we will be collaboratively fundraising with Unified for Underprivileged Girls, a club at South Windsor High School.
Elevate A Child Africa is a charitable organization dedicated to alleviating generational poverty in rural African communities through education.
Total donated: TBD
April: Soles 4 Souls
Soles 4 Souls turn unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity, by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use – providing relief, creating jobs and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty.
Total donated: TBD
May: TBD
June: National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network
Advances healing justice by transforming
mental health for queer and trans
Black, Indigenous and People of Color
Total donated: TBA
Learn more about National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network
July: TBD
August: Books for Africa
Books for Africa collects, sorts, and ships books, computers, tablets, and library enhancement materials to every country in Africa.
Total donated: TBA
September: TBD
October: TBD
November: Advocates for Trans Equality
Advocates for Trans Equality fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America.
Total donated: TBA